Tooth in a Day

Tooth in a Day

“Tooth in a day” is a term often used to describe a dental procedure known as “same-day dental implants” or “immediate loaded dental implants.” This approach allows a patient to receive a dental implant and a replacement tooth (crown or bridge) in a single day, rather than the traditional implant process that typically takes several months. Here’s how it generally works:


The dentist or oral surgeon evaluates the patient’s oral health, including the condition of the damaged or missing tooth and the density of the jawbone.

Treatment plan

A treatment plan is developed based on the patient’s specific needs and the feasibility of same-day dental implants.

Extraction (if necessary)

If the damaged tooth needs to be extracted, it is removed on the same day.

Implant placement

The dental implant, which is a small titanium screw, is surgically placed into the jawbone in the same appointment. This implant serves as a replacement for the tooth root.

Temporary tooth

In some cases, a temporary crown or bridge can be attached to the implant immediately after placement. This allows the patient to leave with a functional tooth on the same day.

Healing and integration

Over the following months, the dental implant integrates with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. This provides a stable foundation for the permanent restoration.

Final restoration

After the implant has fully integrated, a custom-made permanent crown or bridge is attached to the implant, completing the restoration.

This approach has become increasingly popular as it can provide several advantages, including convenience and aesthetics, for patients. However, not all patients are suitable candidates for immediate loading, and the success of the procedure depends on various factors.

Here are some key points to consider about immediate loading of implants:

Candidate Selection

Not all patients are suitable candidates for immediate loading. Factors such as the quantity and quality of available bone, implant stability, and the patient’s overall health play a significant role in determining eligibility.

Implant Stability

One of the critical factors for immediate loading success is achieving sufficient primary implant stability. This typically means that the implant must have good initial stability in the bone to withstand the forces exerted during chewing and biting.

Prosthesis Type

The type of prosthesis used for immediate loading can vary. It can range from single crowns to full arch prostheses, depending on the patient’s specific needs and the clinical situation.

Temporary vs. Permanent Prosthesis

In many cases, a temporary prosthesis is initially attached to the implant on the same day of surgery. This allows the patient to have functional teeth while the implants heal and integrate with the bone. Once the implant has fully integrated, a permanent prosthesis may be placed.

Follow-up Care

Patients who undergo immediate loading of implants typically require close follow-up with their dentist or oral surgeon to monitor the healing process and ensure the long-term success of the procedure.

Success Rate

The success rate of immediate loading varies based on the individual patient and the specific clinical circumstances. In some cases, immediate loading may have a slightly lower success rate compared to the traditional delayed loading method, where implants are allowed to heal for several months before attaching the prosthesis.

Planning and Experience

Proper planning, precise implant placement, and the experience of the dental team are crucial for the success of immediate loading.Top of Form

It’s important to note that not all patients are candidates for same-day dental implants. The success of the procedure depends on factors like the quality and quantity of the patient’s jawbone, overall oral health, and the specific implant system used.

Immediate loading of dental implants, when not done scientifically or with proper care, can lead to a range of complications and implant failures. To avoid such issues, it’s essential to follow best practices and guidelines. Here are some common problems that can arise when immediate loading of implants is not done correctly and how to avoid them:

It’s important to note that not all patients are candidates for same-day dental implants. The success of the procedure depends on factors like the quality and quantity of the patient’s jawbone, overall oral health, and the specific implant system used.

Immediate loading of dental implants, when not done scientifically or with proper care, can lead to a range of complications and implant failures. To avoid such issues, it’s essential to follow best practices and guidelines. Here are some common problems that can arise when immediate loading of implants is not done correctly and how to avoid them:

Implant Failure

Improper implant placement or inadequate primary stability can lead to implant failure. Avoid this by ensuring the implant is placed with precision and that there is sufficient bone quality and quantity to support the immediate load.

Infection and Complications

Inadequate infection control during surgery or improper wound closure can lead to post-operative infections and complications. Follow strict aseptic protocols and provide post-operative care instructions to minimize these risks.


Applying too much force on the implants through immediate loading can result in biomechanical failures. It’s crucial to follow a well-designed treatment plan and ensure that the occlusion (bite) is carefully adjusted to minimize excessive force on the implants.

Poor Esthetics

 If the implant prosthesis is not properly designed or fabricated, it can result in poor esthetics, which can be particularly problematic for patients seeking same-day implant restorations. Work closely with a skilled dental technician to ensure the prosthesis is designed to provide the best possible appearance and function.

Soft Tissue Complications

Immediate loading can lead to soft tissue complications if the surgical site is not properly managed. This includes issues like excessive swelling, pain, and wound dehiscence. Ensure that the surgical site is appropriately closed, and post-operative care instructions are followed to minimize these risks.

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  • Choose a Skilled and Experienced Dental Professional: Work with a dentist or oral surgeon who has experience and expertise in implant dentistry, especially in immediate loading procedures.

  • Comprehensive Examination: Undergo a thorough pre-operative examination that includes assessment of bone quality and quantity, as well as the overall health of your oral cavity.

  • Precise Treatment Planning: The dental professional should create a precise and detailed treatment plan that takes into account the specific needs of the case.

  • Infection Control: Ensure strict infection control measures are followed during the surgical procedure to minimize the risk of post-operative infections.

  • Follow-Up Care: The patient should comply with all post-operative care instructions provided by the dental professional. Regular follow-up appointments are essential for monitoring the healing and success of the implants.

  • Occlusion Management: Proper adjustment of the bite should be done to avoid excessive force on the implants.

  • Collaborate with a Dental Technician: The dentist should work closely with a skilled dental technician to ensure the implant prosthesis is aesthetically pleasing and functional.

The key to a successful immediate loading of implants is careful planning, precise execution, and diligent post-operative care. Be sure to communicate openly with your dental professional and address any concerns or questions you may have throughout the process.Top of Form

If you’re interested in same-day dental implants, consult with a qualified oral surgeon or prosthodontist and implantologist who can assess your situation and determine if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure. Keep in mind that while the initial steps can often be completed in a single day, the overall process may span several months to ensure proper healing and integration of the implant.

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